25 Şubat 2013 Pazartesi

Alton Towers' The Smiler to Feature Inverted Drops?

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© Alton Towers
Construction slowed for a bit, but now Alton Towers is back at building The Smiler, and they've released some new photos that are quite intriguing.  From the initial layouts released ages ago it appeared as though the ride would have two lifts, one normal and one vertical, each followed by a swooping 180 degree turn and then a steep drop.

Well, now that this part of the ride is going up there seems to have been some additional secrets the park was keeping, secrets of the inverted nature.

© Alton Towers
The new photos show the swooping turns described above, only at the end of them both appear to turn riders upside down!  I can't wait to see how the rest of the actual drops look once they go up, but this development ads another pair of inversions to an already twisted ride.

Speaking of that, it could now appears as though the Smiler might really make a go for the world record of most inversions.  The initial plans for the ride showed eight inversions, and these additional on the drops make that ten.  With more ride taking place inside a secret building, who knows how many the final count may be?

An Aerial View of Fun Spot America's Progress

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© Fun Spot America
What progress!  Fun Spot America has released a handful of new aerial photos, showing the park's enormous expansion as it currently stands.

The blue coaster that has a plentiful amount of supports up is the Freedom Flyer, the park's Vekoma family suspended coaster.

You can also see the now complete looking footers for White Lightning - GCI's first steel supported wooden coaster - as well as a small portion of it standing.  The stacks of steel supports are in the newly paved parking lot just waiting to go up - along with plenty of track and supports for Freedom Flyer.

The large building in the center of the photo is the park's new entrance, and just beyond that on the right is the now completed (but not filled) pond that the 250 foot tall Skycoaster will tower over.  Before long additional rides and attractions will start to dot the landscape and then before we know it the park will be open!

Okay perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself, but it is still great to see such progress being made so quickly.

Wet 'n' Wild Las Vegas Progress Check

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I haven't been paying close attention to the construction of either of Las Vegas' new water parks, but Wet 'n' Wild has made quite a lot of progress lately.

© Wet 'n' Wild Las Vegas
This aerial of the all-new water park shows off what has been done so far.  You can see the wave pool has been poured, and the lazy river is well under way.  Lots of footers for the slide towers are in place, and some of the admission and other facility buildings are standing.  They're making pretty quick work of things!

© Wet 'n' Wild Las Vegas
And speaking of the slides that will populate the landscape of the water park, they've started to arrive in droves.  This colorful selection of slide pieces are patiently waiting to be hoisted into place.  Four different slide towers will each have multiple rides stemming from them, with slides that range from mild to wild.

© Wet 'n' Wild Las Vegas
Fast forward to even more recent photos, and some of the slide towers are now standing.  The one above will be the starting point for Desert Racers - a multi-lane mat style racing slide - and Canyon Cliffs, which is a pair of steep dropping thrill slides.

The $50 million development has a planned Memorial Day grand opening, so we're sure to see plenty more of the park going up - and quick.  More info is available on the official Wet 'n' Wild Las Vegas website.

We're Back, and We're Stuffed

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Well, after a Holiday Hiatus, we're back! First thing I want to do before getting to some editorials is to catch up on some of the bigger news.

So, the Transformers ride is opening. This is considered big news, so here's a recap. It's basically a new version of the Spiderman ride in my viewpoint, but I suppose this is a good backup plan for Universal if and when they ever lose their Marvel license to Disney. Slashfilm reported recently that the attraction vehicle is an actual transformer. Your car is a character. My good friends over at Topless Robot had this to say:

Transformers: The Movie: the Ride is just about ready to open in Universal Studios Singapore, and one of the local news stations did this report on what getting to the ride will be like. I feel like it's notable for two reasons:
1) That it could take up to 1.5 hours of waiting in line to actually get on Transformers: The Ride. The idea that anyone would wait up to 90 minutes for a ride based on
Bayformers -- unless they were some sort of war criminal, and this was their court-mandated punishment -- depresses me to no end.
2) On the other hand, as the newslady is happy to point out, the walls surrounding the queue will be full of buttons to press and switches to flip, so that people can "entertain" themselves while waiting. By pressing buttons and hitting switches. Like developing infants do with toys.

As harsh as that sounds, I can't disagree. However, I'm sure I'll be amazed with the technology once it opens. You can make up your own mind by viewing this video.

In other news:

-I should point out that we have seen a new type of ticketing system put into use that could possibly eliminate turnstiles.

-Coney Island is celebrating its roots with some new construction work.

-Kennywood sold Pitfall, so could a new ride be on the way?

-TDS celebrates its 10 birthday just in time for the holidays.

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! And if you didn't, it could be worse. The Pilgrims had to catch their own turkey. I'll leave you with a look at what that might have looked like, courtesy of Sally Dark Rides.

...we're back?

To contact us Click HERE
Hello readers!

First of all, I definitely need to apologize for the lack of updates. I've been ridiculously busy with other things over the past several months, and I regret not updating this sooner. Sadly, I simply haven't had time. Thank you to those who have continued to visit and check on the site - I appreciate it greatly.

On that note, I'm hoping to get the site going again with news, Impressions, photos, and other possible new features. What better day to pick back up than on our one year anniversary! That's right, we've been up for one year today (even if we have been gone for several months), and that's an achievement I'm quite proud of. Thanks once again for your readership.

So, what have we been doing? Spring break this year included stops at Thorpe Park and Disneyland Paris, so expect to see reviews for those up sometime in the near future. On top of that, I still have one to finish off from last year; again, oops. Right now, I've just uploaded 100 photos from Thorpe to our Facebook page, including lots of pictures of The Swarm. Head on over and check it out, and maybe go ahead and like our page while you're at it ;)

I'll be sure to post as often as possible, but I can't guarantee daily updates right now. As always I'll do my best. For now, enjoy the Thorpe Park photos, and thanks for sticking with us!


24 Şubat 2013 Pazar

Gold Striker's New World Record Revealed

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© Great Coasters International
With construction almost complete on the ride's track, California's Great America has announced a new world record that Gold Striker will hold when it opens this Spring.

Gold Striker will now include the "world's longest covered initial descent tunnel on a wooden coaster."  As described by the park's press release, "adding intrigue to the record setting feature, Gold Striker's 174-foot tunnel will be enclosed by wood on both sides, corrugated metal on top and in-fill underneath the tracks, to replicate a true gold mine feel. The only visible light on Gold Striker's initial descent, which will hurl riders down a 50 degree slope at almost 54 miles per hour, will be following the first turn, creating a nearly pitch black visual."

The framing for the tunnel can be seen on the recent construction photo above, from the ride's builder Great Coasters International.  Their full gallery of construction shots can be seen at this link.

© California's Great America
"This fully-enclosed, twisting tunnel truly is a special element among wooden roller coasters," California's Great America Vice President and General Manager Raul Rehnborg said. "Gold Striker riders will experience the unique sensation of rapid acceleration in almost complete darkness."

Gold Striker stands 108 feet tall and features a 103 foot first drop, plenty of high speed twists and turns including a covered station fly-by.  In total, Gold Striker's track measures 3,197 feet long.

While the new coaster is the main focus of the park's 2013 season, plenty of other maintenance including new paint on many rides and buildings will have the park looking like new when it opens this year on March 29th. 

Read more here: http://www.heraldonline.com/2013/02/20/4633469/gold-striker-coaster-now-includes.html#storylink=cpy
Read more here: http://www.heraldonline.com/2013/02/20/4633469/gold-striker-coaster-now-includes.html#storylink=cpy
Read more here: http://www.heraldonline.com/2013/02/20/4633469/gold-striker-coaster-now-includes.html#storylink=cpy

Alton Towers' The Smiler to Feature Inverted Drops?

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© Alton Towers
Construction slowed for a bit, but now Alton Towers is back at building The Smiler, and they've released some new photos that are quite intriguing.  From the initial layouts released ages ago it appeared as though the ride would have two lifts, one normal and one vertical, each followed by a swooping 180 degree turn and then a steep drop.

Well, now that this part of the ride is going up there seems to have been some additional secrets the park was keeping, secrets of the inverted nature.

© Alton Towers
The new photos show the swooping turns described above, only at the end of them both appear to turn riders upside down!  I can't wait to see how the rest of the actual drops look once they go up, but this development ads another pair of inversions to an already twisted ride.

Speaking of that, it could now appears as though the Smiler might really make a go for the world record of most inversions.  The initial plans for the ride showed eight inversions, and these additional on the drops make that ten.  With more ride taking place inside a secret building, who knows how many the final count may be?

An Aerial View of Fun Spot America's Progress

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© Fun Spot America
What progress!  Fun Spot America has released a handful of new aerial photos, showing the park's enormous expansion as it currently stands.

The blue coaster that has a plentiful amount of supports up is the Freedom Flyer, the park's Vekoma family suspended coaster.

You can also see the now complete looking footers for White Lightning - GCI's first steel supported wooden coaster - as well as a small portion of it standing.  The stacks of steel supports are in the newly paved parking lot just waiting to go up - along with plenty of track and supports for Freedom Flyer.

The large building in the center of the photo is the park's new entrance, and just beyond that on the right is the now completed (but not filled) pond that the 250 foot tall Skycoaster will tower over.  Before long additional rides and attractions will start to dot the landscape and then before we know it the park will be open!

Okay perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself, but it is still great to see such progress being made so quickly.

Wet 'n' Wild Las Vegas Progress Check

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I haven't been paying close attention to the construction of either of Las Vegas' new water parks, but Wet 'n' Wild has made quite a lot of progress lately.

© Wet 'n' Wild Las Vegas
This aerial of the all-new water park shows off what has been done so far.  You can see the wave pool has been poured, and the lazy river is well under way.  Lots of footers for the slide towers are in place, and some of the admission and other facility buildings are standing.  They're making pretty quick work of things!

© Wet 'n' Wild Las Vegas
And speaking of the slides that will populate the landscape of the water park, they've started to arrive in droves.  This colorful selection of slide pieces are patiently waiting to be hoisted into place.  Four different slide towers will each have multiple rides stemming from them, with slides that range from mild to wild.

© Wet 'n' Wild Las Vegas
Fast forward to even more recent photos, and some of the slide towers are now standing.  The one above will be the starting point for Desert Racers - a multi-lane mat style racing slide - and Canyon Cliffs, which is a pair of steep dropping thrill slides.

The $50 million development has a planned Memorial Day grand opening, so we're sure to see plenty more of the park going up - and quick.  More info is available on the official Wet 'n' Wild Las Vegas website.

From The Vault: Darien Lake 1997 Brochure + Map

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From The Vault recently featured some materials from Darien Lake's 1996 season and I just came across items from 1997 and thought it would be fun to look at those as well.  The park was in mega-expansion mode back then and each season saw plenty of new stuff to check out.

In 1996 a brand new kids area was added to the park - named Popeye's Seaport - and that allowed the park's older kiddie area to be demolished for new water park stuff.  But wait I'm getting ahead of myself.  The point is that Premier Parks, before they purchased Six Flags, had bought the park and immediately started expanded.  1996 was almost a prep year for future expansions, specifically needing to get rid of the old kiddie area.

New York's New SuperPark is a pretty bold name for yourself, if you ask me.  Adding a brand new $8.5 million inverted roller coaster doesn't hurt with that claim, though.  The addition of Mind Eraser was similar to that at other Premier Parks across the country, and the chain had great success with them - even if the rides they provided are less than... comfortable.

Mind Eraser allowed the park to advertise four coasters, including Nightmare (indoor coaster added the year before), Predator and Viper.

The previous year's Hook's Lagoon water play area was just a taste of bigger things to arrive in 1997 - namely Crocodile Isle, a million-gallon wave pool.  The wave pool was placed where the former kiddie area was.  See?  This is all starting to make sense.

The Popeye kiddie area was a hit the year before, and it probably helped guests to forget about the old kiddie area that was now a wave pool.  Darien Lake needed more space to grow their water park, and even with the new wave pool in a large open space an awkward bridge was still needed to connect guests to the existing slides.

Concerts are still a pretty big deal for Darien Lake today, and it appears as though they had some big names (for the time) playing at the park.  I mean Celine Dion, really!  And don't forget to bring the camper to the park so you can relax a bit and make the trip a weekend long adventure.

Just for good measure I wanted to include the park's map from 1997 as well.  You can see the new wave pool over on the left, extending the grounds of the water park.  I'm not sure what was going on with the purple blotches on all the rides, it almost makes the property look a bit sickly! 

23 Şubat 2013 Cumartesi

We're Back, and We're Stuffed

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Well, after a Holiday Hiatus, we're back! First thing I want to do before getting to some editorials is to catch up on some of the bigger news.

So, the Transformers ride is opening. This is considered big news, so here's a recap. It's basically a new version of the Spiderman ride in my viewpoint, but I suppose this is a good backup plan for Universal if and when they ever lose their Marvel license to Disney. Slashfilm reported recently that the attraction vehicle is an actual transformer. Your car is a character. My good friends over at Topless Robot had this to say:

Transformers: The Movie: the Ride is just about ready to open in Universal Studios Singapore, and one of the local news stations did this report on what getting to the ride will be like. I feel like it's notable for two reasons:
1) That it could take up to 1.5 hours of waiting in line to actually get on Transformers: The Ride. The idea that anyone would wait up to 90 minutes for a ride based on
Bayformers -- unless they were some sort of war criminal, and this was their court-mandated punishment -- depresses me to no end.
2) On the other hand, as the newslady is happy to point out, the walls surrounding the queue will be full of buttons to press and switches to flip, so that people can "entertain" themselves while waiting. By pressing buttons and hitting switches. Like developing infants do with toys.

As harsh as that sounds, I can't disagree. However, I'm sure I'll be amazed with the technology once it opens. You can make up your own mind by viewing this video.

In other news:

-I should point out that we have seen a new type of ticketing system put into use that could possibly eliminate turnstiles.

-Coney Island is celebrating its roots with some new construction work.

-Kennywood sold Pitfall, so could a new ride be on the way?

-TDS celebrates its 10 birthday just in time for the holidays.

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! And if you didn't, it could be worse. The Pilgrims had to catch their own turkey. I'll leave you with a look at what that might have looked like, courtesy of Sally Dark Rides.

...we're back?

To contact us Click HERE
Hello readers!

First of all, I definitely need to apologize for the lack of updates. I've been ridiculously busy with other things over the past several months, and I regret not updating this sooner. Sadly, I simply haven't had time. Thank you to those who have continued to visit and check on the site - I appreciate it greatly.

On that note, I'm hoping to get the site going again with news, Impressions, photos, and other possible new features. What better day to pick back up than on our one year anniversary! That's right, we've been up for one year today (even if we have been gone for several months), and that's an achievement I'm quite proud of. Thanks once again for your readership.

So, what have we been doing? Spring break this year included stops at Thorpe Park and Disneyland Paris, so expect to see reviews for those up sometime in the near future. On top of that, I still have one to finish off from last year; again, oops. Right now, I've just uploaded 100 photos from Thorpe to our Facebook page, including lots of pictures of The Swarm. Head on over and check it out, and maybe go ahead and like our page while you're at it ;)

I'll be sure to post as often as possible, but I can't guarantee daily updates right now. As always I'll do my best. For now, enjoy the Thorpe Park photos, and thanks for sticking with us!


Mother's Day Brunch - Lakewood, Colorado

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Have plans for Mothers Day? Join us for brunch:
Holiday Inn Denver-LakewoodMother's Day BrunchMay 10, 2009 10am - 3pm Buffet will include:
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Denver New Year's Eve Package

To contact us Click HERE
Join the Holiday Inn Denver Lakewood to celebrate New Year's Eve 2009!

Exclusive package is only $99 and includes:
  • Accommodations for 2 in a beautifully renovated guest room
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  • Extend your stay for only $59 (our Friends and Family Rate)

Denver New Year's Eve Hotel Package


Denver Broncos' Fans Unite!

To contact us Click HERE
Are you ready for some football??

We sure are at the Holiday Inn Denver Lakewood.  We are celebrating football season and our favorite team, The Denver Broncos, with our Denver Broncos' Fan Special! 

This $94 deal includes:
  • Accommodations for 2
  • 2 Drinks at the Sporting News Grill
  • 1 Appetizer to share
Come take advantage of our 16 flatscreen TV's in the Sporting News Grill, enjoy an evening out... and if you're lucky enough to have Denver Bronco's tix, it's an easy Lightrail ride into Downtown Denver!

Book your Denver Broncos Fans Special Now!

22 Şubat 2013 Cuma

A Deeper Look at Rye Playland's Proposals

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The next step in deciding the future of Rye Playland was taken this week, when the county legislators held a public forum where the potential operators of the classic amusement park were able to present their plans and answer questions.

As reported before, the four contenders are CAI Parks, Standard Amusements, Sustainable Playland, and Paidia Corp (Legoland).

You can actually check out the powerpoint presentations from the county's website for each proposal.  Some of the stuff is what we've seen before, such as Sustainable Playland, but others are showing off a bit more.

As an amusement park blog, I'm not really too concerned with playing fields and other things that are a part of all this, so I'm going to focus on the ride side of these plans.  Sustainable Playland wants to remove half the rides and scale back the amusement park, replacing many of them with a "great lawn."

Paidia Corp, which would make it a Legoland, had almost zero specifics in their presentation about what would happen to the current park.  They seem a bit unorganized as far as that goes, and I have to say that I can never see the very protective county legislators allowing them to come in and raze everything for the usual Legoland rides.  I just don't see this one panning out.

Standard Amusements, who is also involving former Cedar Fair COO Jack Falfas, only says that they will build three new rides and water attractions for kids.  With no further details on what those rides are, and if anything would be removed, it's hard to get a feel for how the park would appear.

CAI Parks, which is a part of Zamperla, has a really detailed presentation available, so I thought it might be fun to look at some of their plans.

CAI Parks even has an updated logo for the property created, seen above from their presentation.  They've updated the dragon character that's in the current logo, and modernized the overall appearance of the design.

CAI Parks has a plan designed that would see at least twenty new rides added to Rye Playland.  Some older rides would be replaced during the expansion, but both water rides and the dark rides would remain.  The general layout of the park would only change here and there in order to accommodate the new rides and attractions.  As far as I can tell every new ride would be fabricated by Zamperla.

The first year that CAI Parks would take over Playland's Kiddieland would be the focus of the work, with a slew of new rides replacing older versions.  The park's family coaster would be moved into Kiddieland, and the Kiddie Coaster would remain.  Zamperla would theme many of the new rides to fit in with the historical nature of the park, some examples of which are above.  It looks like eight or so new rides would be added.

In the second year of operation the park would add a handful of bigger, family oriented rides.  Well, perhaps family / thrill rides as a couple of them are more on the wild side.  Additions are shown as a Discovery thrill ride, family Tea Cups, Vertical Swing Ride, Starchaser 'flying' style flat ride, and a Galleon pirate ship.

Some additional big rides are on the list for year three, along with a Wave Blaster bouncing kiddie ride.

A Flying Carousel ride would prominently take up residence in the center of the park, in the middle of the long landscaped promenade that runs the length of Playland.  A Z-Force tower ride would be added, which in turn means that the current S&S Double Shot ride would be removed.  The Electro Spin Mega Disk'O would be added near the water.

A pair of thrill rides would be the focus of year four.  A new roller coaster would be added in the form of one of Zamperla's MotoCoasters.  The ride would take up the space of several former rides, including the aforementioned S&S tower.  Thrill seekers would also be pleased by the addition of an Air Race, a ride that has really taken off for Zamperla in the past few seasons.

Year five would feature another coaster, this time a spinning mouse that would replace the park's current Wild Mouse, which coincidentally is from Zamperla as well.

When all of this is said and done, many of the really historic rides at Playland will still be there.  This includes the Dragon Coaster, Whip (and kiddie Whip), Ye Old Mill, the Derby Racer, Grand Carousel, and the Kiddie Carousel.

Other rides that would remain include the Flying Witch dark ride, the Ferris Wheel, Super Flight, House of Mirrors, Zombie Castle, Plunge, Log Flume, and the Auto Scooter bumper cars.

Renovations to the pool area would include a water playhouse structure, complete with dumping bucket.  The uninspired min-golf course would be replaced with a more adventurous version as well, complete with rockwork and additional theming.  CAI even has a plan for the children's center that is being developed, along with the famous ice casino.  Also in the works is an eight year plan listed for completely restoring all historic colonnades and towers that are an integral part of Playland's architecture.

The entire 142 page CAI Parks proposal can be downloaded from the KeepItPlayland website, which they have set up with plenty of information.  They seem to really, really want to take over the park and I'd be lying if I said they didn't seem to have a solid plan in place.  I mean Luna Park and Scream Zone certainly seem to be doing alright!

It sounds like a final decision on an operator could come in the next few months, so it semms like 2014 is the first year that any new operator will have the reigns at Playland.

New Concept Art for Knott's New Boardwalk

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© Knott's Network
I really like this new concept art that Knott's Berry Farm has placed on the construction walls around their Boardwalk renovation/expansion.  Knott's Network, a frequently updated Facebook fan page for the park, posted this and I thought it was definitely worth sharing.

The concept art released when the expansion was announced was nice, but this is much more than nice - great, really.  If you click on the large image you can catch a lot of great details that I hope show up in the finished product.

The area seems to have a bit of a retro '50s feel to it, from the signage for the area to the choice of railings around the lake.  Even the light poles as drawn will add to the feel of the new Boardwalk.  Naturally, the roller skating waitress and the Fonzie looking guy do not exactly hurt the theme they're presenting, either.

The two new rides for the area look fantastic lit up among the dusk sky, framed by the new wild mouse style coaster behind them.  I guess I just really want the finished product to look exactly like this!  This is also a really nice piece of concept art for a Cedar Fair park - not a computer animation or render!

Another part of the Boardwalk makeover is the repainting of Boomerang to have green supports and neon green track.  The work is already well underway but if you want to see photos you'll have to head over to Knott's Network!

Gold Striker's New World Record Revealed

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© Great Coasters International
With construction almost complete on the ride's track, California's Great America has announced a new world record that Gold Striker will hold when it opens this Spring.

Gold Striker will now include the "world's longest covered initial descent tunnel on a wooden coaster."  As described by the park's press release, "adding intrigue to the record setting feature, Gold Striker's 174-foot tunnel will be enclosed by wood on both sides, corrugated metal on top and in-fill underneath the tracks, to replicate a true gold mine feel. The only visible light on Gold Striker's initial descent, which will hurl riders down a 50 degree slope at almost 54 miles per hour, will be following the first turn, creating a nearly pitch black visual."

The framing for the tunnel can be seen on the recent construction photo above, from the ride's builder Great Coasters International.  Their full gallery of construction shots can be seen at this link.

© California's Great America
"This fully-enclosed, twisting tunnel truly is a special element among wooden roller coasters," California's Great America Vice President and General Manager Raul Rehnborg said. "Gold Striker riders will experience the unique sensation of rapid acceleration in almost complete darkness."

Gold Striker stands 108 feet tall and features a 103 foot first drop, plenty of high speed twists and turns including a covered station fly-by.  In total, Gold Striker's track measures 3,197 feet long.

While the new coaster is the main focus of the park's 2013 season, plenty of other maintenance including new paint on many rides and buildings will have the park looking like new when it opens this year on March 29th. 

Read more here: http://www.heraldonline.com/2013/02/20/4633469/gold-striker-coaster-now-includes.html#storylink=cpy
Read more here: http://www.heraldonline.com/2013/02/20/4633469/gold-striker-coaster-now-includes.html#storylink=cpy
Read more here: http://www.heraldonline.com/2013/02/20/4633469/gold-striker-coaster-now-includes.html#storylink=cpy

BATMAN: The Ride Backwards at Six Flags Great America

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© Six Flags Great America
It was mentioned by the park earlier this winter, but now it is official: Batman: The Ride at Six Flags Great America will be running backwards for a limited time this season.  The first Batman inverted ride will start its backwards stint on May 4th, when the park opens to guests for the 2013 season.

“Batman: The Ride will open for its 21st season this spring, offering our guests an entirely different ride experience by going backwards. No matter how many times you have been on Batman: The Ride, nothing compares to the thrill of racing down 10 stories facing the other direction,” said Hank Salemi, Six Flags Great America park president. “You literally have no idea what is coming next. This is a tremendous new experience for our guests and one to take advantage of quickly since it will only be available for a limited time.”

The backwards version of the coaster - the creation of which is said to have had a lot of involvement from manufacturer B&M - is only a limited time promotion, though an ending date has not been given.

Since the coaster opened in 1992 it has given an amazing 28 million rides.  Passengers will traverse 2,700 feet of track at 50 miles per hour backwards, heading through five inversions during the ride.  Already known as one of the more intense rides out there, Batman: The Ride Backwards is sure to be even more so during this special event!

Heard On... Six Flags 2012 Earnings Call

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It is now safe to say that 2012 was a good year for amusement and theme park operators.  With earnings previously in from the other big chains, Six Flags Entertainment Corporation has also announced that they've had a record year as well.

The full details can be accessed from this press release put out by the company, and just like Cedar Fair did earlier this week Six Flags also had a conference call to discuss the results.  Here are some highlights from that.

• For 2012 total attendance grew 6% to 25.7 million guests - that's an extra 1.4 million visitors across all parks.  The chain also reports having record high safety metrics and guest satisfaction levels in the areas of safety, cleanliness, and value perception.

• Total revenues for the year were $1.070 billion, an increase of 5.6% over 2011.  EBITDA hit a record high of $383 million, at a margin of what the company calls an "industry high" of 39%.  The company has increased their margin from 24.4% in 2009 to 39% in 2012, which is pretty impressive.

• Much like Cedar Fair's recent focus, much emphasis has been placed on season pass sales.  Six Flags sold a record amount of them in 2012 and also have double digit increases so far in 2013 over last year.

• Individual per capita for 2012 was $39.41, seven cents more than last year.  The gain was from an increase of eleven cents from admissions and a loss of four cents for in park revenues.  Season pass attendance reached 40% of overall visits, which Six Flags says weakened their per caps.  Interestingly Cedar Fair also hit 40% of their attendance from season pass visits, but saw substantial gains in admissions and in park per caps last year.

• The 4th quarter saw record attendance levels for Halloween and Christmas celebrations.  The quarter saw revenues increase almost 5% and attendance up 3%.  The company credits this with investments in the promotions - and did not mention bad weather in the quarter like Cedar Fair did as a reason for their softer results.  The Halloween and Christmas events will continue to expand in the future.

• In park spending was up for the 4th quarter, due mainly to "premium attractions" like haunted houses and mazes, which are pay extra at Fright Fest.  It sounds like the parks depend on that revenue, so I would not look for the pay-extra aspect of the haunts to go away any time soon.

• Six Flags Mexico had several record days during their Halloween events, which were a first for them in 2012.  The park overall sounds like it is thriving, and they talked up the spinning coaster they are about to open there in a few weeks.

• The roll out of season pass dining passes is taking place this year, after being tested in two parks last year.  The tests were very successful and the company sees this as a potential solid revenue stream this year.

21 Şubat 2013 Perşembe

Hong Kong Disneyland Turns Its First Profit

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© Hong Kong Disneyland
Hong Kong Disneyland turned a profit for the first time when it finished its fiscal year this past September 29th, according to news reports.

After many years of losses, the property posted earnings of $14.1 million - which is considerably better than the previous year's $30 million loss.  Revenues reached $550 million and attendance was up 13% to a new park record of 6.7 million guests.

2012 saw the opening of a new land, Grizzly Gulch, bringing the great Wild West to Hong Kong Disneyland.

The main feature of the area is a large roller coaster named the Runaway Mine Cars that features forward and backwards track along with a launch section.

The end of 2011 saw the opening of a Toy Story themed area, nearly a duplicate of the one that opened in Paris.

Still to come, and highly anticipated, is the third mini-land that sits between Grizzly Gulch and Toy Story Land, Mystic Point.  This final area will contain a unique take on the classic Disney Haunted Mansion named Mystic Manor - filled with special effects and a totally unique storyline.

These additions have helped the park to break all previous records, proving that what everyone said from the beginning (that the park was far too small and lacking unique attractions) was true.  I'll be quite interested to see what else may come to the park after this round of expansion is done, especially if they continue to come up with themes and rides that have not been copied at other Disney parks.  Should be interesting!

New Concept Art for Knott's New Boardwalk

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© Knott's Network
I really like this new concept art that Knott's Berry Farm has placed on the construction walls around their Boardwalk renovation/expansion.  Knott's Network, a frequently updated Facebook fan page for the park, posted this and I thought it was definitely worth sharing.

The concept art released when the expansion was announced was nice, but this is much more than nice - great, really.  If you click on the large image you can catch a lot of great details that I hope show up in the finished product.

The area seems to have a bit of a retro '50s feel to it, from the signage for the area to the choice of railings around the lake.  Even the light poles as drawn will add to the feel of the new Boardwalk.  Naturally, the roller skating waitress and the Fonzie looking guy do not exactly hurt the theme they're presenting, either.

The two new rides for the area look fantastic lit up among the dusk sky, framed by the new wild mouse style coaster behind them.  I guess I just really want the finished product to look exactly like this!  This is also a really nice piece of concept art for a Cedar Fair park - not a computer animation or render!

Another part of the Boardwalk makeover is the repainting of Boomerang to have green supports and neon green track.  The work is already well underway but if you want to see photos you'll have to head over to Knott's Network!

Heard On... Cedar Fair 2012 Earnings Call

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Today Cedar Fair reported their results for 2012, able to share that they had their third consecutive year of record revenues and EBITDA figures.

The full press release can be found on the company's website, but they also had a conference call today to discuss the news.  Nothing too earth shattering was revealed, but I thought I'd share some notes regardless:

• The numbers:  In 2012 Cedar Fair had $1.068 billion in revenues (up 3.9% from 2011), EBITDA was $391 million (up 4.4%), attendance was 23.3 million (down 86k from 2011).  The EBITDA margin was 36.6%, up from 36.4% in 2011.

• A focus of the new e-commerce system started in February 2012 paid off in the form of large increases of season pass sales.  Season pass visits accounted for almost 40% of the year's attendance.  The total number sold was 10% higher than the previous year and the average price was up 6%.  Sales to date for this season are ahead of last year at this point, so these numbers could go even higher when 2013 is said and done.

• The group market is something leadership is pursuing, they've hired a new sales leadership team last year and done a full retraining for staff.  This also makes sense why Carowinds and Valleyfair! are spending capital cash to build new group catering areas.

• Per capita spending hit a record $41.95 in the year, with admission per cap up 4.4% and in park per caps up 7%.  The in park per caps were greatly helped by new initiatives like Fast Lane and a refocus on improving food quality.

• Leviathan sounds like it paid off for Canada's Wonderland - the park led all others in having the largest attendance increase for the year, along with the largest per capita spending increase.

• Totals for out of park revenues were down less than 1% or $789,000, mostly based on some softness at the chain's hotels.

• The results for the 4th quarter were down from 2011, in both revenues and attendance.  The weather is mentioned as a possible reason, but 2011 saw near perfect weather during the Fall and results that were extremely great.

• A Customer Relationship Management Strategy system will be implemented in 2013, though the benefits of it might not show up till '14.  The system, combined with e-commerce, will create a much larger marketing database that will make marketing efforts dramatically more effective (and modern).

• Currently all the projects that are a part of the $100 million being spent on capital expenditures for 2013 are on time and on budget.  This includes GateKeeper, which sounds like the company has really high hopes for this season.  An additional $15 to $20 million will be spent this year on new point of sale systems for four parks, and in the second half of the year renovations at employee dormitories and hotels.  The point of sale systems are going into Knott's Berry Farm (actually already up and running), California's Great America, Valleyfair!, and Worlds of Fun.  Only Michigan's Adventure will be left after this year, and that needs other infrastructure improvements to even have a new system set up.

SeaWorld Orlando Announces Antarctica Opening Date

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May 24th, that's the official grand opening of the all-new Antarctica: Empire of the Penguin at SeaWorld Orlando.

Pengiun Rock inside Antarctica  © SeaWorld Orlando
Construction of the new themed land, which will contain a high-tech family dark ride that includes interaction with real penguins, is on schedule and going well according to the park.  The first of a kind family ride will utilize trackless motion based vehicles to "explore a massive penguin colony in an expanse that envelops riders in cool extremes, both above and below the penguin's icy world."

Some of the large ice facades in Antarctica  © SeaWorld Orlando
To help show off the progress of the new Antarctica area, SeaWorld Orlando held a construction tour for the media today.  Some great photos of the land can be seen from 13 News and Click Orlando.  The area looks really neat in the Florida sunshine!

Gold Striker's New World Record Revealed

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© Great Coasters International
With construction almost complete on the ride's track, California's Great America has announced a new world record that Gold Striker will hold when it opens this Spring.

Gold Striker will now include the "world's longest covered initial descent tunnel on a wooden coaster."  As described by the park's press release, "adding intrigue to the record setting feature, Gold Striker's 174-foot tunnel will be enclosed by wood on both sides, corrugated metal on top and in-fill underneath the tracks, to replicate a true gold mine feel. The only visible light on Gold Striker's initial descent, which will hurl riders down a 50 degree slope at almost 54 miles per hour, will be following the first turn, creating a nearly pitch black visual."

The framing for the tunnel can be seen on the recent construction photo above, from the ride's builder Great Coasters International.  Their full gallery of construction shots can be seen at this link.

© California's Great America
"This fully-enclosed, twisting tunnel truly is a special element among wooden roller coasters," California's Great America Vice President and General Manager Raul Rehnborg said. "Gold Striker riders will experience the unique sensation of rapid acceleration in almost complete darkness."

Gold Striker stands 108 feet tall and features a 103 foot first drop, plenty of high speed twists and turns including a covered station fly-by.  In total, Gold Striker's track measures 3,197 feet long.

While the new coaster is the main focus of the park's 2013 season, plenty of other maintenance including new paint on many rides and buildings will have the park looking like new when it opens this year on March 29th. 

Read more here: http://www.heraldonline.com/2013/02/20/4633469/gold-striker-coaster-now-includes.html#storylink=cpy
Read more here: http://www.heraldonline.com/2013/02/20/4633469/gold-striker-coaster-now-includes.html#storylink=cpy
Read more here: http://www.heraldonline.com/2013/02/20/4633469/gold-striker-coaster-now-includes.html#storylink=cpy